僕は僕だ (I Am Me)

僕は僕だ (I am me) (Photoshop, OpenCV, MoviePy)

This is a digital montage created with Photoshop and various Python functions. The approximate steps I took:

  • Use Photoshop to create 1) a near-monochrome rendition of my portrait and 2) a negative matte of the red background.
  • Export a large batch of photos to use as the montage.
  • Use an OpenCV edge detector to create the drawing-like stencil from the near-monochrome portrait.
  • Use PIL to create composites between the photos and negative matte with the stencil overlaid.
  • Use MoviePy to concatenate the images into an .mp3 movie file.
  • Use ffmpeg to convert to a .gif.

The raw uncleaned script is available here.